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Showing posts from June, 2015

Password Expiry notification for the users in zimbra 8.x within 7 Days for the email users

This Script will run as cron tab daily basis and it will alert the users for whom password is going to expire within 7 days. It will also alert admin for the users for whom password expired. Kindly replace the with your own domain name and the  /opt/zimbra/postfix-  path to the actual path of postfix #!/bin/bash #Script for zimbra password expiry email notification. # Meant to be performed as daily cronjob run as zimbra user.  # redirect output to a file to get a 'log file' of sorts. # Time taken of script; echo "$SECONDS Started on: $(date)" # Set variables: # First notification in days, then last warning: FIRST="7" LAST="3" # pass expiry in days, we are assuming passwd exiry is 150 Days POLICY="150" # Sent from: FROM="" # Get all users - it should run once only. USERS=$(ionice -c3 /opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov -l gaa #Todays date, in seconds: DATE...

Zimbra backup open source for zimbra 8.x for 7 Days

The Script will take the backup in the /backup/zimbra/1 , /backup/zimbra/2 , /backup/zimbra/3 ,   /backup/zimbra/4 , /backup/zimbra/5 , /backup/zimbra/6 , /backup/zimbra/7 and after 7th day it will overwrite the day1 folder.  This will keep the full backup for all the users in the 7 folders.  In this script  replace the with your company domain name. The Script can be schedule in cron tab jobs. #!/bin/bash -x DateToday=`date -I` FolderZ=`date +%d` X=$FolderZ W2=7 W3=14 W4=21 W5=28 if [ "$X" -lt 8 ] then X=`expr $X - 0` echo $X elif [ "$X" -lt 15 ] then X=`expr $X - $W2` elif [ "$X" -lt 22 ] then X=`expr $X - $W3` elif [ "$X" -lt 29 ] then X=`expr $X - $W4` else X=`expr $X - $W5` fi echo $X rm -rf /backup/zimbra/$X/* su zimbra -c "/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmslapcat /backup/ldapbkp" su zimbra -c "/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmslapcat -c /backup/ldapbkp" sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov -l g...