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Google chrome is showing error in Windows 10 - Error Code:STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH

   MY Google chrome is showing error in Windows 10 - Error Code:STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH How TO FIX IT ? open the file explorer GO to     chrome application. Generally Location for CHROME is c;\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application Once you have found the application as 'chrome' in the folder simply rename it to anything other than 'chrome'. Like   XChrome, Ychrome, etc. Open Google Chrome again and the   “Aw Snap error “ is resolved.
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Demo for Mobile (Andriod) App Hacking using Kali Linux and Metasploit Framework

What is Kali Linux ?  Kali Linux  is a Debian-based  Linux  distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing.  Kali  contains several hundred tools which are geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering. What is  Metasploit Framework  ?  The  Metasploit Framework  is an open source penetration testing and development platform that provides exploits for a variety of applications, operating systems and platforms.  Metasploit  is one of the most commonly used penetration testing tools and comes built-in to  Kali Linux . Please follow the below for the Testing of Andriod Mobile  using Vulnerable Mobile App (Using Metasploit Framework) 1. Install the KALI LINUX in Virtual BOX/VMWARE 2. Install the Andriod OS in Virtual Box  from And...

How To Migrate a WordPress website/web-app from Test environment to Production /Hosting Server

I f a Developers has developed a website/Web App on WordPress on His Laptop /Desktop . Following needs to be Take Care/implement while Migration the wordpress  to the Production Server. Assuming the URL is and Localfolder  name is webfolder   1. should point to the IP Address (A.B.C.D) 2.         Replace all the entries in the Mysql Database from localhost to 3.        If the Developer is using http://localhost/webfolder for development following needs to be updated in .htaccess file Check the error_log under apache Logs ; If the Logs are like this [Thu Oct xxxx xxx xxx ] [core:error] [pid 1472] [client X.y.z.c:64854] AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace., ...

script for amc expiry email notification .

This Script will send the reminder email 90 Days before the AMC Expires . The Number of Days you can change by changing the NU Value . the should be replaced with your email id. The send-mail Path can be replaced by the send-mail path of the server. There is need to create a Data file which will contain the Information for AMC of the Equipment. The input.txt format is shown below . #!/bin/bash PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin #script for amc expiry email notification. NU=" 90 " FROM="" #value1=$(echo $line| awk -F\ '{print $1}' input.txt) #value2=$(echo $line| awk -F\ '{print $2}' input.txt) #value3=$(echo $line| awk -F\ '{print $3}' input.txt) DATEN=$(date +%s) IFS="|" while read -r value1 value2 value3 do echo "value1 is " $value1 echo  "value 2 is " $value2 echo  "value 3 is " $value3 dat2=$(date -d "$value...

How to Create a Delegated Admin Account in Zimbra 8.x

How to Create a Delegated Admin Account in Zimbra 8.x. Create a File as shown below with the contents .  Replace the and helpdesk Email id with your domain and helpdesk (Delegated Admin ) Name. #vi admindelegate #!/bin/bash # $1 # $2 helpdesk zmprov ma $2 zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount TRUE zmprov ma $2 zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents cartBlancheUI zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents domainListView zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents accountListView zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents DLListView zmprov ma $2 zimbraDomainAdminMaxMailQuota 0 zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +createAccount zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +createAlias zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +createCalendarResource zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +createDistributionList zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +deleteAlias zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +listDomain zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +domainAdminRights zmprov grantRight domain $1 usr $2 +configureQuota zmpr...


Create a File by using #vi /usr/bin/watchaudit with the following contents  tail -f /opt/zimbra/log/audit.log | awk '   /INFO/ {print "\033[32m" $0 "\033[39m"}   /WARN/ {print "\033[31m" $0 "\033[39m"} ' Close and Save the File. Run the Watchaudit File in SSH Console . #chmod +x /usr/bin/watchaudit #/usr/bin/watchaudit

Script for release the RAM cache everyday

# This is the script for release the memory cache everyday # top -b -n 1 | head > /tmp/file1.txt sleep 10 sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches sleep 20 top -b -n 1 | head  > /tmp/file2.txt cat /tmp/file1.txt /tmp/file2.txt > /tmp/ram.txt EMAIL_BODY=" Hello Sysadmin Team, This is the RAM status after releases: $(cat /tmp/ram.txt) Thanks, DC Team " echo "Subject: RAM status for ABC Server" "$EMAIL_BODY" | /opt/zimbra/postfix- -t The Above Script will clear the Unused RAM . This will send the email before and after Clearing the RAM. Use This script when very Less number of users are using the server. This script will run on Linux Server (RedHat/Centos). The Script can be run during Night Time using Crontab. Kindly update the Email ID and Sendmail path correctly as per  your server.